A Degree with a Guarantee

Some 80,000 ÐÔ¸£±¦app community colleges students transfer seamlessly to a University of ÐÔ¸£±¦app (UC) or ÐÔ¸£±¦app State University (CSU) campus every year. And every year, nearly 40,000 ÐÔ¸£±¦app community college students earn an Associate Degree for Transfer that guarantees them admission as juniors to a Cal State campus and other participating universities — that’s why we call it the Degree with a Guarantee.

So if you’re looking to move on to a UC or CSU school, if you want to get into a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) campus, if you’re intent on attending one of three dozen independent, nonprofit universities in ÐÔ¸£±¦app, the Degree with a Guarantee may be the perfect fit for you.

The Associate Degree for Transfer will play a key role in helping ÐÔ¸£±¦app Community Colleges achieve the goals of Vision 2030, specifically around equity in success and support.

Learn more about the  today.

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